Do you receive gifts, either physical or emotional, without questioning why?
Often when we receive something, we question why we have received a gift in the first place. Is this something that happens with you? Do you question why you are given something out of the blue? Especially if it is not your birthday, Christmas or an anniversary. It was just given to you because they were thinking of you and wanted to make you feel special, or because you made them feel special through an act of kindness. Maybe the gift came from a complete stranger who just passed on a smile and said hello. Did you return the smile? A smile and a kind word is a gift that should be received and returned.
Maybe you received a gift or a small token from someone because they appreciate you and wanted you to know it.
Don’t second guess the why behind a gift. Take it, enjoy it, and don’t ruin the gift of giving that the giver also receives.
However, sometimes we have to look at the why. When we receive criticism or advice, even if we don’t like what we hear, now we need to look at the why. That why, if received and evaluated with an open mind can be applied to our actions and turned into a gift. So receive it, improve on it, and do not return it empty. Don’t take offense to it. Turn it into a blessing.
What did you receive this week that was a blessing? Did you accept it? Did you not want to accept it? Why not? When people give us things, especially their time, it is a compliment and meant to be appreciated. When you give, don’t you expect it to be received? So, whatever you are given, let them know how much you appreciate it. Receive it!
My challenge to you is to receive the gifts you are given positively. Find the positivity in it. Accept the gift and then take it a step further. Look inward and see why it is they felt they need to give it to you. Whether it’s just a smile or a warm hello. Receive it!
Want to learn how to be a receiver? Pick your day and time to chat with me for free!
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I guarantee you will walk away from our discussion with an understanding of why receiving a gift is so important and meaningful. You will also understand how to give with a purpose.