Have you heard the phrase, happy wife, happy life? There is some truth to that in any relationship. But in order to achieve true happiness, you have to have balance. Work / Life / Play / Balance. Do you have that? It can be obtained. But you have to want to do it. Balance is important in all areas of life. Let’s start with health because that is the most important type of balance because without health, we have nothing. So what does a balanced health look like? Diet and exercise? There is so much more to it than that. What about your mental health? The way you see yourself and the way you think can control your emotional health and that can affect your overall health. Professor MindShift will help you balance your life to find your life happy. Happiness is healthy. Are you healthy? www.deanstorercoaching.com #DeanStorerCoaching #ProfessorMindshift #DeanWoW #Health #Balance