“The sky’s the limit” is a common saying used to describe a person with great potential. It evokes images of someone flying high above the ground, doing remarkable, glorious deeds.
But to me, it’s not enough. Last century, we built rockets that burst through the atmosphere and made it into space. What we once thought was the limit was left behind forever. The sky is not the limit anymore and space isn’t just for highly trained astronauts (as Sir Richard Branson proved last week).
You have amazing potential. I don’t know what you’re good at, but I know that you have the capacity to do truly remarkable things. Some would say that the sky’s the limit, but I want to encourage you not to place barriers on what you can achieve.
It’s wonderful to have goals, and I encourage everyone to regularly make and update their goals, but don’t make them too safe. When people say that you have potential, just nod and say to yourself, “You have no idea how much.” Find a way to soar!
Join me August 20-22nd at Overland Park in Kansas for a life-changing conference. Become the best “YOU” you can be and break out of what is holding you back. Check out the Eventbrite page for details and get a $50 discount on me!
Need a little help setting your goals even higher? Pick your day and time at deanstorercoaching.youcanbook.me I guarantee that you will walk away from our discussion with at least one idea you can start using immediately.
I also facilitate a monthly Mastermind Group online which occurs on the first Wednesday of the month at 11am EST. I limit each session to just 25 people, so that we will be able to go deep into your business and make the experience truly transformative. Join us at https://deanstorercoaching.com/mastermind
Photo Courtesy of Andy Beales on Unsplash